Some of my projects
Telegram Notifier

Jellyfin media server plugin to easily send notifications on Telegram (new content, playback events, connections, ...). Made in C# using the Dotnet framework.


School software engineering project on a web application for an airport transport service company. Made with React, Node.js (Express, REST API) and MySQL.

Campus carpooling

School project in SQL involving the design of a database for a carpooling website built with PHP.

Solar System Simulation

Simulation of the interaction between the solar system planets made in C++. The orbits are assumed to be circular, equidistant and in the same plane.

Maze Solver

This project in C++ consists to create a maze and then find the shortest path to the exit. Animated with SDL2.

Genetic path tracking

Path tracking by a genetic algorithm. Adjustable settings to try to achieve better results.

Sorting visualizer

A sorting visualizer made in python to watch the classical sorting algorithms.


Snake in C++, with the SFML library. Player and bot modes.

Fire spreading

Personal work in the context of the entrance examination to the French engineering schools on the spread of forest fires and the phenomenon of percolation within the framework of a computer model of cellular automaton type.


Blackjack game made in Python with pygame.

Advent of Code →
This repository contains all my solutions to the AOC puzzles.
AlcoSafe →
Android application to estimate your blood alcohol level.
Amazons →
School amazons game project with a server/client implementation and GSL optimization. Done in group of 4.
Basic Computer Logic Simulation →
This project is a simulation of basic computer logic gates and circuits. All the components are generalized to any bit size architecture.
Conway game of life →
Cellular automaton of Conway's game of life.
Cryptohack Solutions →
Solutions repository for the cryptography site "Cryptohack".
Dijkstra GPS →
Small gps with 30 french cities and the Dijkstra algorithm.
MyC to Pcode compiler →
School project of a myC to Pcode compiler. Made with flex and bison.
Portfolio →
This is the current portfolio. Entirely made by me from scratch using HTML, CSS and JavaScript within the Astro framework.
Sleep Timer →
Android application to sleep with your music by leting a timer switch off music.